The original hood for the 70-180 Micro-Nikkor is the HB-14 and same as the lens itself is no longer being manufactured. With that the hood alone sells for around $60 used at the time of writing. I designed this to have the option to put on a hood but not to feel like it needed to be on it all the time just for the fact of spending $60.
This is a derivative of my work from the 50mm f1.8 lens hood I made a while back. The key difference, apart from size and length, is that the 50mm has 2 locking profiles where as this lens has 3. The lock profiles that Nikon built into this one are very thin so this part has very little to grab onto. I did my best with the measurements and tolerances but to keep the lens hood on securely it is a bit tight and can be a bit difficult to get on and off.  The hood is reversible for storage on the lens when not in use and can also be rotated in either direction to be locked or unlocked from the lens.
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